Just a flash back, I remember going to the college as per routine from the same way as I use to go; I found a simple banner for A tuition academy. First I thought it may a simple academy and maybe a just waste of time and i just ignored it. A simple and small banner of the academy was the first impression that fit something very bad in my mind, But I am so thankful to my friend Mr. Hassan who was interested to get admission in the academy and after his orientation classes he shared some of his experience about the academy with me. Really impressive experience he had, meanwhile I thought for seeking orientation classes. And I asked my father for the getting admission in Smart Cambridge Academy,
After few days, I personally realized that
those who don't show off will surely produce a quality work. Wow I can't believed that sort of environment and education standard will I ever get especially from any place like Barakahu.
The teachers of this Academy are very intelligent and kind people, they always helped us in education, life and extra curricular activities. We all the students really enjoy being here and our grades and scores at college have also increased. Before joining the Academy I was too week in my class but slowly and gradually my teachers especially Sir Inam, Sir Faheem, Sir Hurraim, Sir Babu, Sir Akbar and Sir Sanaullah helped me to participate maximum in educational activities, they gave me courage to do something special in my life, they told me help my parents in filling their dreams about me and more over they made me strong enough to work hard and study for adopting positive change in my behavior.
In my college I stood 1st position in my class in second term examination and my this little success has major contributions of my Academy teachers. The class teachers are also so happy from my progress and same like my parents are also very happy of my contributions to the study and more especial my contribution in fulfilling their dreams that are attached with me.
Junaid Imtiaz Khanzada